8 Ways To Get Involved With National Nutrition Month 2023

It’s officially March which means it’s drum roll please…National Nutrition Month! 

If you haven’t heard of this month-long event then get to know, it’s a campaign which has been running since 1973 and is set up by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 

This campaign focuses on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and making informed food choices.

Whilst at university, it’s vital to develop healthy eating habits and stay physically active, as not only can this have an impact on your well-being but also your academic performance. 

If you’re wanting to get involved with National Nutrition Month 2023 then you’re in luck.

We’ll be discussing 8 ways you can participate with this month-long event here… 

national nutrition month

What Is National Nutrition Month? 

National Nutrition Month highlights the importance of focusing on the food your putting into your body, as well as how vital keeping physically active is.

This month-long event encourages people to find ways to incorporate more movement into their daily routines. 

Eating well and keeping fit is something we should all strive to do to make healthier changes in our daily lifestyle. 

Each year there is a new theme for the month long event, with this years theme focusing “Fuel for the Future”.

national nutrition month 2023

How You Can Get Involved 

If you’re wanting to participate in National Nutrition Month 2023 then you’ve come to the right place. 

We’re here to help you out with these 8 different ways to get involved! 

healthy eating

1. Educate Yourself 

This month, learn about making informed and healthy eating habits by reading books and articles, listening to podcasts, downloading nutrition apps, watching cooking videos or discovering online recipes.

Chances are, you will become inspired and discover some helpful tips which can help you make simple changes to improve your health and well-being. 

A nutritious diet is a critical part of our health and development.

There’s a whole variety of benefits such as keeping your skin, teeth and eyes healthy, boosting your immunity, supporting muscles and so on. 

This month, set some goals for how you can be more nutritious in your life.

Whether it’s swapping sugary drinks for water or focusing on exercising more, see if you make it through the 31 day challenge and hit your targets! 

educating yourself on how to be nutritious

2. Make Tasty Meals At Home 

Promote healthy habits in your own life by opting to make tasty meals at home for National Nutrition Month 2023. 

By cooking more meals at home you can focus on healthy eating and choose what ingredients you use within your cooking, rather than ordering from a takeaway or heading out for a meal. 

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with a treat every now and again but eating out all the time can impact your health and well-being, along with your bank account. 

We know it’s tempting but you’ll become more nourished by making well balanced meals at home and you can even cook new recipes with your flatmates.

Why not take it in turns to cook quick and healthy meals for one another?! 

cooking healthy meals at home

3. Include A Variety Of Fruit & Veg In Your Diet 

Eat well and live healthy this National Nutrition Month by consuming a variety of fruit and vegetables as these are a good source of vitamins and minerals. 

Even if you do already get that all-important 5 days into your diet, try mixing it up and incorporating some different fruit and vegetables within your meals. 

Eating the same things all the time can be boring so, discover new things to try and give your body the fuel it needs to live a healthy lifestyle at uni. 

Head to a farmers market and ask for some recommendations or head to the fruit and veg aisle in your local store and pick up some ingredients you don’t tend to use. 

It doesn’t matter how you eat fruit and vegetables within your diet, they can be fresh, frozen, canned, dried or juiced! 

including food and veg in diet

4. Enjoy More Plant-Based Meals 

For National Nutrition Month 2023 try to enjoy more plant-based meals as these are packed with protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. 

You’ve probably heard a lot about how healthy a vegan lifestyle can be for your health and well-being.

So, try it out for the month even if you just cut down on your meat intake and eat a vegan or vegetarian meal a few times a week. 

Meatless Mondays are a great idea to improve your health and the planet.

These days, there’s so many different options out there you don’t need to sacrifice on flavours, you can still eat delicious meals whilst switching to plant-based options! 

eating more plant based meals

5. Get Moving 

This March, focus on being more physically active whether it’s hitting the gym, going on more walks, practising yoga, taking part in fitness classes, heading to dance lessons or so on. 

Regular physical activity is important for our health and well-being, as well as helping you to maintain a healthy weight. 

Studies show that there are many benefits of exercise on both your physical and mental health.

Such as, boosting self-esteem, improving mood, sleep quality and energy, as well as reducing your risk of stress.

Regardless of how you prefer to stay fit, try to do something you enjoy and get your body moving! 

person doing yoga

6. Meal Prep 

Meal prepping is a great idea for university students who want to develop healthier eating habits and it’s super convenient if you’re someone who’s on the go a lot. 

You can meal prep for any meal of the day whether it’s breakfast, lunch or dinner.

This way, you’ll have whole meals or dishes prepared ahead of schedule that you can just whip out and begin eating. 

By meal prepping you’ll not only be more nutritious but you can better manage your portion sizes, save time spent in the kitchen, make your budget stretch further, reduce food waste and save yourself time. 

If those benefits aren’t enough to convince you to get meal prepping then we don’t know what will! 

meal prepping national nutrition month

7. Drink Plenty Of Water 

Making sure you’re hydrated is one of the best things you can do to stay healthy, not just for National Nutrition Month but everyday. 

You should aim to drink between 6-8 glasses of water throughout the day.

This way you’ll keep your body hydrated, maximise your physical and academic performance, reduce headaches as well as prevent hangovers (let’s face it, this is important whilst at uni). 

You could even get yourself a water bottle with a time marker so you can see how much water you’re drinking and remind yourself to keep refilling. 

Stay healthy and hydrated by drinking more water! 

drinking water to be healthy

8. Spread The Word

Celebrate National Nutrition Month by spreading the word about this month-long event on your social media platforms, within conversations with friends and family or within your student accommodation.

You can use hashtags such as #NationalNutritionMonth to help motivate others to adopt healthy habits.

Sharing posts online can also spark conversations with other like-minded people who are getting involved. 

social media national nutrition month

Healthful eating and physical activity is important for your physical, mental and emotional well-being.

So, for the month of March get involved with this annual campaign and see what positive impacts it has on your lifestyle! 

University life can undoubtedly be stressful but luckily there’s plenty of motivational podcasts out there to listen to and find helpful strategies to hit your goals. Read our guide to discover the best ones for students!

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